Posted January 19, 2023
Continuing with our ministry team showcases, this week we’re telling you all about the Audit Team! The Audit Team is one of the standing teams at W3C, whose main purpose is to audit and report on the church’s finances and ensure the accounting practices outlined in our bylaws are fulfilled. The Audit Team collects annual budget requests from the individual ministry teams and puts together the annual budget, which is then presented to the church congregation for a vote. The Audit Team also counts and reports on weekly attendance and giving at W3C.
With the start of the new year, leadership of the Audit Team was transitioned from Jack Pratley to Ruth Boggs. W3C would like to thank Jack for his 9+ years of service (and still counting!) to the Audit Team, including 5 years as the Team Leader. We are grateful to Ruth for taking on the role as Audit Team Leader after serving on the team for quite some time. If you are interested in serving on the Audit Team, please reach out to Ruth for more information!